Your Life

By the time you're ready to write about your own life, you've developed character, seen many amazing things,  experienced much, and felt even more. 

All this needs to be told in your own way.  

Your memoir/documentary/drama doesn't have to be perfect, it simply needs to reflect who you are, what you think, and what you wish to set down as a witness to your own life.   Think of the ways each time reflects different things to you.  Now, think of our current era.  Think of dreams, dreams of your relatives, stories you've overheard - life teaches us how to write, and writing teaches us how to write.  Sound evokes images, images evoke sounds. 

Everything is interconnected.  So may your work have already started all your stories ...   already started  interconnecting. It's our current 'normal' yep. 

Now we may interweave our life-stories in a variety of approaches. I'll be including access to my PODCAST about that world, and the rebuilding of the world you've already have glimpsed.

The story emerges as it changes & is also shifted by what we do with it.  We're in an age where we may finally all inter-link with ease. We all learn, create, research - together and make money together, and we truly begin to tap the amazing array of tools we have.

All the links I include are free - available for all, 24-7.  Here's a section of our Format Page website.

What's also very useful is beginning to understand how we use drama, our own sense of narration, and our life-dramas as the basis for what we do.  The more we understand about the real-life dramas we create, the more we begin to see our dramatic writing from a new point of view - our own perception. What attracts our attention in everyday life reflects what we expect to attract attention in scripts.

This approach is a dream-catcher for stories.  Within months, participants will have created a priceless  gift for themselves and those they love - the story of their life.

Appointments may be arranged by e-mailing: